Friday, August 13, 2010

Limerick Songwriters @ the Locke Bar Thurs 19th Aug 2010

SongWriter Sessions @ The Locke Bar
Thursday 19th August 2010 9.00pm

The SongWriter Sessions@The Locke Bar, continues at The Locke Bar, George's Quay, Limerick 9.00pm Aug 19th with special guest Australian singer/songwriter Rennie Field.

This weeks special guest is Australian singer/songwriter Rennie Field.

With so many earnest, guitar-toting young men now struggling desperately for attention, it’s rare to find a genuine artist – one driven not by the urge to impress others with their talent, but by something even more primal. One for whom making music is as integral part of their existence as eating, breathing, or talking.

For artists like Renny Field, music is a way of life. It’s a way of letting go - thinking aloud as honestly as you would silently (and regardless of whether anyone is listening). For with our thoughts, we make the world. And so forth.

Happily, as it turns out, the courage and humility that this process of “letting go” requires seems to be something that audiences respond to. As a result, Renny Field has earned a reputation as a truly engaging live performer.

A quiet and unassuming personality, Renny Field lets his songs do all the talking. Delivered without subterfuge or pretext, the simplest of stories delivered frankly can touch profoundly. And so it is that whether involving a full band or in an intimate solo acoustic setting, Renny’s performances are characterised by their authenticity - an uncontrived, almost conversational interaction, set to music.

Renny Field’s journey to this point has involved three independent studio albums, all critically acclaimed. His first, ‘Make Believe’ (2003) was followed in 2005 by ’26 Reasons’ and in 2009, his first self-produced record, ‘The Arena’.

His most comprehensive offering to date, ‘The Arena’ presents fourteen tracks ranging from heartfelt acoustic folk to rich cinematic pop, and featuring a selection of Australian artists with whom Field has collaborated over the past few years (including Kent Eastwood and Sam Buckingham). A collection of tales of love, life, loss, beauty, success and failure, ‘The Arena’ is bound together with a sense of hope and determination.

As the liner notes quoting Theodore Roosevelt infer, ‘The Arena’ is about getting amongst it - striving valiantly and being willing to make mistakes in order to either know “the triumph of high achievement” or at least fail “while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat”. Not a band mantra for an indie musician.

Field has promoted these records with extensive touring throughout Australia, as well as shows in Ireland, mainland Europe, London, New York and Thailand. Not to mention a mad dash to Fiji for a brief cameo appearance on reality TV.

The Arena album launch tour continues throughout 2010.

"The depth of craft in his writing and skill in his performance is extraordinary".
Drum Media.

"Singer-songwriters such as Field manage to capture and combine both authenticity and a certain infectiousness that so often eludes their pre fab recording artists colleagues."
iTunes review of "Molly Mae"

As usual all aspiring songwriters are invited to attend and play there songs in front of a live audience. All types of music and singers are welcome, a limited amount of instruments will be available for use on the night.
There will also be an opportunity for getting a YouTube video of your performance made free of charge and uploaded to our site. Performances will also be recorded and broadcast as an MP3 download at a later date. Host for the sessions are songwriters Brian Connolly, Chris Wood and Sean Macleod. As the venue develops into a hot spot for new talent in Limerick, plans are a foot to invite recording artists, producers, managers and publishers, anyone who may be looking for fresh new songs. SongWriter Sessions@The Locke Bar is a regular feature of the live music scene in Limerick and takes place every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursday of the month.

If you wish to play contact Brian Connolly at to book a spot or turn up on the night. Further details can be got at or from

All are welcome those who wish to perform or just listen. Free admission and free finger food.

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